Local New Jersey Honey

Straight from the hive.

Natural. Raw. Unprocessed.

for more details and purchase options Check out The Nectary Nook page

If you are looking for the best honey around you’ve found it! We have only 100% natural honey made by our New Jersey honey bees. Our bee girls forage on the local nectar sources in our area creating a unique nectar cocktail from each location and season, this multi-floral honey will give you a variety of experiences based on space and time, while also providing the maximum health benefits that you can expect from our local nectar and pollen sources.

While we do take orders we also want to encourage you to come meet us at one of our local markets. There you can experience the difference in person. We want everyone to enjoy what our local forage in New Jersey has to offer. It is truly amazing!

  • New Jersey Honey. Jars. Raw Honey. Fresh. Hand Harvested.

    Our Current Size Options

    We keep 3 different sizes in stock the majority of the time. From left to right we have a 1lb jar, 12oz bear jar, and 5oz hex jar.

  • Honey. Raw Honey, Honey jar. honey flavors, varieties, differnet colors,

    The Different Colors/Flavors

    Most of the time we have 3 different flavors/colors shown in the above photo. The range of light to dark also has a variety of flavors as the colors change with the lighter being more bright and floral and as the color darkens becomes more rich and caramelly.

For all honey inquiries you can reach us on our social sites and by phone or email.

Or come out to one of our markets throughout the year. We always post where we are going to be next on our social sites.

To keep up to date give us a follow.